It’s getting to that time of year again for some of us, when we start to look at our half year performance or even looking to the operational budgets for the year to come.
The economic outlook is being driven by uncertainty (some of it in my opinion is the media plus others talking us into it, you’ve only got to look at the articles in the News to see it’s not all doom and gloom), we have to think positively in order to be successful.
I read an article recently from The Magic of Thinking Big, by David J. Schwartz. (here’s an extract)
“Belief and wishful thinking are quite different. Wishful thinking will never spur you to action and as a result, your wishful thought will forever remain a wish. However, when you truly believe you can do it, the how to do it will reveal itself.
Strong belief in something allows your mind to figure out ways to accomplish what you believe. Belief is the driving force behind all great successes. For example, Edison wouldn’t have continued to try and try unless he really believed he could make the electric light bulb. Schwartz discovered that belief in success is the one universal, basic and essential characteristic behind all successful people.
The size of your success is determined by the size of your belief.”
The distinguishing difference between a person who is going places and the individual who is struggling is the latter person’s habit of excuses. And one of the biggest hindrances to success is fear, and what do we always see in the papers, news, etc., FEAR!
Thinking dictates action! (David J. Schwartz)
I have witnessed colleagues thinking they are inferior to another and ultimately act like that as well. As David has pointed out, thinking dictates action.
Successful people think big and think creatively.
Creative thinking is nothing more than finding new and improved ways in what you need to achieve. Success is dependent upon using creative thinking to discover these improved ways; and as with most things, it can be learnt.
So whilst looking at your half year performance, your Operational Budgets, and or your Strategy for the coming months, think positively, think big, think what it is you need to achieve and find new ways to do things, learn from others. But definitely don’t FEAR it.
Worth a read: The Magic of Thinking Big, by David J. Schwartz.
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