OEE Update

Lately I’ve been asked to comment and give talks on OEE (Overall Equipment Effectiveness) and the missed opportunities within Manufacturing, I include Logistics with this as well, under the OLE measure (Overall Logistics Effectiveness), so decided to do an update. (Original article ‘Click Here‘)

OEE as I’ve previously stated is one of the key KPI’s (Key performance Indicators) I always use in helping me understand the problems and issues within my production operations.

Industry Standard is between 45% and 65% OEE, that means there is an whole other factory waiting to be tapped into and used more effectively.

Below is a short video of an excel spreadsheet I decided to put together that gives some automation and storage of information for use, test on a bottleneck process or production line/cell, if you would like a copy of the spreadsheet, please fill in the form below and I’ll send it to you.

My belief with OEE, is test first, develop your front line team in understanding the technique and highlighting the problems, you can then go fully automated at a future date, but do not miss the step of developing your team.

I’m sure someone can make a better job of the excel automation than me, but it’s there if you want it.

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