Sales and Operations Planning – is it a missing link in your business???

Benefits of Sales and Operations Planning

  • Increased customer service levels
  • Improved profitability
  • Reduced time to market with new products
  • More products to increase revenue
  • Lower inventories and obsolescence
  • Reduced lead times
  • Quicker responsiveness
  • Top-down management control
  • Predictable operating performance for shareholders

The Sales and Operations Planning process is the primary tool by which there is a systematic review of the business, out of which plans are established. It brings Sales, Marketing, Manufacturing and Finance together to agree on the volume of products to be produced over the next sales horizon. The process should be incorporated into the business calendar to coincide with the key activities of, strategic reviews, budget preparation, quarterly forecasting, monthly performance reviews and MRP/ERP timing.

Alignment from S&OP Process goes beyond just the meeting, the entire company is aligned to a given direction. This is one of the huge benefits from the S&OP Process. The Master Scheduler is implementing the decisions made by the S&OP team. The planners and buyers are aligning to the Master Scheduler. Capacity is being increased and decreased in accordance to the plan. Changes to the financial plan are made in advance given the decisions from the S&OP meeting. The monthly meeting allows for issues to be raised, tracked and resolved. Key department heads are present so that the entire company can be aligned behind a decision and as it is cascaded and communicated to the levels below.

The sales and operations plan looks 12 – 18 months into the future, this level of visibility opens the door to a different way of thinking: a longer term view. The process facilitates the bringing together of data from different departments and presents it to the team (Operations has visibility to Sales plans. Sales have visibility to the supply plan. Finance has visibility to expected revenues and expenses)

Finance are an integral part to making the process successful, they ensure the alignment of the financial plan to the operational plan so ultimately the objective of making money is achieved and on track. It’s no good planning to ramp up 30% if you only have the resources to ramp up 10%.

New product introduction (NPI) can be a headache (new suppliers, ramp up, technical issues, capacity, obsolete inventory, etc) but again the S&OP process facilitates the discussion. It enables all stakeholders to be aware when a new product introduction is happening. Sales needs to be talking to Operations. Operations needs to be talking to Finance. Many companies deal with NPI separately and have a project plan dealing specifically with new product introductions With NPI on the agenda within the S&OP process, issues can be raised, actioned and tracked, (releasing of capacity for trials, product traceability, etc) are managed carefully.

A big part of the S&OP agenda is reviewing the key business metrics in order to identify and resolve performance issues, when issues are raised, the key stakeholders are in the room to get things done.

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The saying goes “Culture eats Strategy for Breakfast” Drucker

The weekend of October 22nd I was watching the Austin Texas F1 Grand Prix, this is one programme that everyone knows in my house not to disturb me watching. This weekend Mercedes were all but clear of winning the constructors championship as long as Ferrari didn’t outscore them by 17 points, something in the end that Ferrari couldn’t do. Congratulations MercedesAMGF1!

Now what pricked my ears up was the interview with James Allison at the end of the race, a number of questions were asked around the differences between Ferrari and Mercedes, James (Ferrari man from 2000-2005 and returning 2013-2016 to Mercedes 2017) an absolute professional and held in high regard within F1 would not be drawn on the comparison, but what he did say regarding Mercedes summed it up in 28 seconds of video (click the image below for the interview).

If you look at Ferrari’s take on things in the past few races when things have been going wrong, their behaviour seems to be one of blame and bullet a few people, you would almost say “Manage by Fear”.

As James Allison put, by being Brave to Ultimately Prosper and the culture they have embedded at Mercedes to succeed clarifies the saying “Culture eats Strategy for Breakfast

Culture is hard to collate, classify, categorise and it’s certainly hard to measure, it also seems one of those things Businesses seem to shy away from, even borderline not accept. It’s the invisible glue that you can’t touch or feel, so we’ll ignore it.


Quite often, businesses think culture is some flowery-fluffy stuff that doesn’t make any difference in the end, or even if they think it does matter, they have an excruciatingly hard time describing what theirs is.

This invisible glue that holds the organisation together is probably the most powerful entity you can tap into, it’s part of your businesses DNA, the same as how I describe Policy Deployment, it becomes part of your business DNA. The “How you get things done”

The “How you get things done” drives performance.

Culture is not what we say, but what we do without asking. A healthy culture allows us to produce something with each other, not in spite of each other. That is how a group of people generates something much bigger than the sum of the individuals involved.

So don’t underestimate “YOUR BUSINESSES CULTURE

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Operationalise Your Strategy

Benefits of Policy Deployment

  • Organisations with the capability to consistently execute their plans through the adoption of Strategy Execution outperform the market.
  • Organisational capabilities will be aligned to support the achievement of your company objectives.
  • Resources will be allocated to business processes in priority order (according to the importance/contribution the process makes to your business)
  • Your company can excel in the business/commercial sector in which it operates.

The Policy Deployment process has yielded some unbelievable benefits for me in my career and it’s one of those processes I recommend all businesses leaders introduce, (but I will also state if you are not prepared to apply the rigorous PDCA management process that goes with it, it’s not for you). I’ve been using Policy Deployment for 15+ years across multiple businesses, as an example: £1bn Turnover business, achieving £200m EBITDA across 38 sites globally, including Lean Savings within the first year of £21m. Done well, it works!

Some of you are probably getting to the stage or are currently producing budgets for your coming year. Now wouldn’t it be worthwhile aligning your Strategy and your budget requirements and drive some break through thinking into the process.

The process itself comes from a technique called Hoshin Kanri, which is a method devised to capture and cement strategic goals, well for me it does more that cement goals, it disseminates those goals into tactical projects that are owned, timed bound and measured.

There have been a number of English translations Policy Deployment, Goal Deployment, Hoshin Planning. I prefer Policy Deployment Process or PDP, but as you probably know from me by now, call it what you want just as long as you use it.

So What DOES it do?

  • It forces the clear identification of “How” we move ourselves towards our Strategic objectives.
  • It creates an alignment of all facets of the organisation on the key strategic initiatives (cross-functional teamwork).
  • Fosters a data-oriented, fact-based culture.
  • Reinforces the vision, but also clearly defines how we will get there (Based on “Who” does “What”).

What it DOESN’T do!

  • Achieve results if the management process isn’t changed (Moved to rigorous PDCA).
  • Achieve results if the “How’s” (Improvement Priorities) aren’t the right ones.
  • Achieve results if the “How’s” aren’t clearly defined.
  • Replace the need for solid Business Fundamentals (also known as Daily Management).

The process is intended to help an organisation:

take the Company Vision (desired end state, aspirations, business scope); the Strategy (3-5 Year Strategic gaps/objectives, high level plans for competitive advantage) and creates a One year distillation of these 3-5 year objectives.

It creates improvement priorities and metrics for tracking progress and indicates the resource responsible and accountable for them. A tactical implementation project if you like (you can go further with the process and state which projects need to be completed within each quarter of the year, to add additional focus).

Detailed action plans (A3’s) are produced for each one of the improvement priorities and reviewed on weekly/monthly/quarterly basis through monitoring of the PDP metrics.

These reviews should be held by a cross functional team who challenge each other, learn from each other and drive execution of the improvement priorities.

Typical Strategy Objectives may be:

  • Double Top Line Sales in 5 yrs
  • Double OP % to Sales in 3 yrs
  • Reject PPM Reduction by 90% in 3 yrs
  • Reduce Lead-time by 75
  • On Time Delivery to 100% in 3 yrs

Typical Annual Objectives may be:

  • Grow Top Line Sales by 15%
  • Increase OP by 25%
  • Reject PPM Reduction by 50%
  • Reduce Lead-time by 50%
  • OTD +20%

Improvement Priorities may be:

  • Quality: Create & Implement Rapid Defect Reduction Process, Implement DFSS on Critical Products
  • Delivery: Apply Lean ‘Tools to XYZ to Reduce LT, Implement Back-Office LT Reduction Process
  • Cost: Develop & Implement LCR Sourcing Plan, Launch Productivity Improvement Std Work Series in Assembly

So Why Use it?

97% of Businesses have a Vision
80% have a clear Strategic Plan
52% some Execution/Success
33% Significant Execution Success
Where do you think Policy Deployment is having an Effect?

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Key Performance Indicators – Always an Emotive Subject

You may have seen my recent post if you follow me on linkedin regarding measuring Production Output with Value (£). With over 11000 views and numerous comments, this got me thinking about KPIs (key performance indicators) and business.

KPIs drive behaviour (no doubt in that) getting the wrong KPI can have a massive negative impact, the image below sums it up, wrong KPI with Targets = Lost at Sea, Wrong KPIs and No Targets = Shipwreck.

A good KPI should act as a compass, helping you and your team understand whether you’re taking the right path toward your strategic goals.

KPIs are key for any business and impact on a number of facets,

  • TO CONNECT THE CUSTOMER TO THE PROCESS (something that gets forgotten)

One of the best ways to understand and align your KPIs is through generating a KPI tree, a KPI tree has 2 main purposes:
To clarify the responsibility (at each level) to ensure achievement of the correct result or activity that will deliver the Company’s and Customers goals, objectives and values.
Definition of responsibility: The responsible level is the lowest level that has the authority and the ability to 100% achieve the required result or activity.
To clarify the link between each result and activity to ensure appropriate prioritisation of activities

The KPI tree structure is separated into four different categories, these are as follows –

High level KPI – The key measure which drives achievement of the Company and Customer goals, objectives and values
Result KPI – The management tool used to measure the effectiveness of the activities completed to support the achievement of the goals and objectives
Activity KPI – The enabler to improve the current situation. (What you can see you can fix)
Activity – Either the physical actions taking place at any level in order to achieve the goals or the understanding of the current situation by Go Look See

Here’s a typical example of a KPI tree for “Delivery”

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Get your Changeovers out of the Slow Lane

Benefits of SMED  (Single minute exchange of dies)

  • WIP and lot size reduction.
  • Finished goods inventory reduction.
  • Improved machine/resource utilisation.

Whether you are high volume or low volume business, changeovers is one of those things that can sap the living life out of your manufacturing process.

An unstructured/wasteful approach to changeovers (SMED, set-up, etc) has the uncanny ability to grow arms and legs, and those arms and legs can even grow arms and legs.

I first witnessed a set up reduction back in the early 90’s as a Kaizen Engineer manufacturing Aerospace Fasteners, we were being trained by a Japanese sensei in Lean Manufacturing, running three events on different machines; a centreless grinder; a header machine and thread roller.

Our team had the header machine, we videoed the actual set up so we could observe the waste within the process, much to our surprise there was 8 hours of it????? A WHOLE SHIFT WORTH OF CHANGEOVER for a production run that would probably last no more than 30/60mins depending on batch size, and batch size we were talking thousands. It was running three shifts.

Now bearing in mind, a major customer had flagged this as an high risk to their operation due to capacity and were forcing discussions on us purchasing another machine?????

At the start of the week, we we’re thinking a 50% reduction would be excellent, never in a million years did we think we’d get to sub 30mins, but we did!

Long Changeovers drive so much waste within your business, WIP, Overproduction, delays, waiting, transportation… they need to be focussed on.

The main benefits are as shown

Key Principle of SMED


Internal set up activities can only be performed when the process is stopped and must be kept to the absolute minimum in number and time taken to complete. Internal set-up activities should be limited to the actual fitting or removing of the Tool or Die or Material ONLY.


External set up activity can be performed with the process running and therefor does not affect the core changeover time.

As many changeover activities as possible should be external, leaving as few as possible as internal activities.

The statement that always sticks in my mind from my early SMED activities is ELIMINATE, COMBINE, SIMPLIFY.

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This is how not to make a Sale!

This week I was contacted by a Corporate Merchandise Company, a cold call asking for me. When I picked up they went straight into overdrive asking me about my company…it’s a debt collecting business isn’t it?

Me??????????? NO.

My brain starts going a million miles an hour (this is a bad opening, their process is way off of how to truly build a relationship, they’re not listening),

As I piece together his opening statement “so you’re a debt collecting agency” I’m thinking, so you did a google search for “TCMUK” then picked the first one, “TV channel” no wouldn’t be that, next one nah!!!!!   It must be the third one…

What a PRIME example of how not to know your customer avatar…..I actually appear third and fourth, but they still picked the wrong one????

Sales 101

Know your Customer. (your avatar)  

What they want and what motivates them to buy. Clarify who your market is, What is it your perspective customer is looking for but doesn’t perceive to be available. Where do they hang out?

Develop your Marketing Message

Market – Message – Media

Don’t just cold call, shout at them down the phone, then get abusive.

It doesn’t have to be in order but it is certainly a PRIORITY knowing your customer avatar.

Now this business does look as though they’ve had some success (financials), but their customer reviews/feedback is 1.4 stars out of 5, and reading some of them

“Would never use this company again! Used them once for diaries for clients and ever since we have been bombarded with hundreds of phone calls, despite telling them we would contact them should we ever need anything in the future. Constantly having to put the phone down on them. Safe to say we will not be using *&^%$ again. There is persistent and then down right harassment. STAY AWAY FROM THIS COMPANY!”

They certainly have room for improvement, 1.4 stars out 5!!!! Imagine what they could achieve with a completely different customer orientated approach. I think there will be a KPI driving that Sales behaviour some-where. Wrong KPI, Wrong Behaviour. (KPI – key performance indicator)

Getting and Keeping Customers

Focus on Customer Satisfaction then Profitability, DON’T focus on Profitability at the cost of Customer Satisfaction, you will have limited success and you won’t be in business for very long.

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Processes, Growth and Scalability.

I’ve had a number of discussions this past few weeks regarding GROWTH and SCALABILITY.

One recurring theme is regarding processes, and when I mention that processes should be standardised, I get the normal “we’re growing and that one size standardisation doesn’t fit and this is a back-office environment

Process Standardisation

Let me explain, every business is individual and has its unique way of doing things, but that unique way can still be standardised. Having a room full of 20 Service Call Associates operating in their own way results in 20 different outputs and potential chaos.

If you were to standardise the process (optimised, least way way of doing things) written procedures, your 20 Associates now operate in the same way and give a repeatable, stable output.

This standard way, considers;

  • Tasks and activities
  • Decision points
  • Cycle times
  • Work in process
  • Flow time
  • Sequence
  • Loops
  • Travel / distance

Standardisation and Growth

A business has 555 calls coming into its service centre, it’s normal work hours/week are 37 hours (excluding breaks, etc).

Our TAKT Time

37 x 60 = 2220 mins/week

2220 / 555 = 4 mins TAKT

Let’s say our Standardised Process has a manual cycle time equalling 24mins

Therefore, our number of employees to match demand and capacity is

Total Manual Cycle Time/TAKT which is 24 / 4 = 6 Associates


our calls increase to 740/week so our TAKT = 3 mins

As our process is standardised this SCALABILITY is relatively easy to accommodate

24 / 3 = 8 Associates required


PS: these standard processes are TRANSFERABLE, think McDonalds.

Many thanks for viewing my post and would you please share it with anyone you feel would benefit from the advice provided. 

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Attention! – your Customers could be gone in 60 secs or less

Sales and Marketing

None of this is new and you probably heard it all before, but in my eyes that’s why it’s so important.

Sales and Marketing go hand in hand within any business, and every leader/owner should be working on their business (not in it) for a few hours a day.

But what do I mean working on your business.

Most businesses want to grow, so, you will have stated somewhere “I’m going to get from here to there by then”, now as an example this may be “Sales from £1m to £1.25m by end of 2018”.

So the working on your business (couple of hours/day), is all about the things you are going to do to get there. Now, you may have sales people, teams, etc.. this does not excuse you or absolve you of all responsibility in how, what, when, where, who and why in getting to that £1.25m.

Getting and Keeping Customers

This about your existing customers, new customers, finding new customers. (and attention is key, at 60 secs half your audience will have gone)

Examples may be:

  • Email campaigns, content, using the AIDA formula. (Attention, Interest, Desire, Action)
  • Sniper Marketing
  • New Products and Services
  • Reviewing your Social Media Impact (Google Adwords, facebook, twitter)

And don’t not underestimate the power of social media all because you are manufacturers, first port of call is having a website that is optimised and use friendly, something I’m currently sorting.

Sales Stats and Tips:

  • Over 60% of traffic is through mobile (phone/tablet). So, ensure optimised Mobile view first.
  • Over 50% of email is managed from mobile. Again, optimise for mobile viewing
  • At 60 secs half your audience will have gone (Attention is single most important word in marketing)
  • Your website load speed matters, big impact on ranking with Google.
  • Optimise your Linkedin profile, it’s not a CV, tell them where you add value.
  • 50 million Small Business on Facebook, 1.86bn active users, 66% log on every day. Search options are superb, but only 49% will support a brand liking, so how do we get in front of the others?
  • 56% of people would rather chat online than phone, you can now add chat boxes, Facebook messenger button, and more.
  • 67% will interact online with businesses.

But above all

DON’T FORGET TO ANSWER THE PHONE OR MAKE A CALL! (again remember attention, don’t answer in more than 5 rings and they’re probably gone.)

PS: It’s not the responsibility of your customers to keep you in mind, it’s your responsibility to keep you in their mind.

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Do you have a Growth Mindset or a Fixed Mindset?

The past week or so I have come across the Growth Mindset in two different scenarios’, which made me think how this should be applied to business.

The first was with my son and his school, he was invited to an awards ceremony for “Achievement in Excellence”. This was a formal ceremony, smart dress, round tables, the lot. The school made a massive deal, and so they should.

What got me intrigued was the first presentation, “having a Growth Mindset”, the number one priority of the school was endeavouring to give all pupils a “growth mindset”, as opposed to a “fixed mindset”.

Now following on from that a few days later, I had a monthly magazine delivered and low and behold there is an article on the same subject, and the example given was regarding another school implementing the same principle.

Now, in the presentation and article they spoke about some of the behaviours that demonstrate a fixed mindset, for example “I can’t do that…”, “it’s alright for her, she does xxxx”, “you either got it or you haven’t”.

To be direct, when people with fixed mindsets come to an issue that requires more effort, more hard work, they conclude that they are no good at it. Does this sound familiar? It ultimately holds them back, not only in school but in BUSINESS!

I’ve come across this so much within businesses, “I can’t do that because”, “we’re different, it won’t work here”, “we can’t do that of x,y,z”.

A “Growth Mindset” works around those obstacles; learns from those obstacles; sees mistakes as interesting and grows from them; they have a genuine thirst for learning and developing.

One of the comments by the writer said “my dad always told me nothing worth having comes easy”. What we think about affects how we feel and how feel determines how we act and the actions we take.

You have a choice of what to think about which ultimately determines your outcome.

For more on Growth Mindset click “Dr. Dweck’s discovery of fixed and growth mindsets have shaped our understanding of learning

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Manage by Fact NOT by Emotion

Sounds simple, but are you doing it. We are all guilty of making a decision by emotion, but is this the exception or the norm for you and or your business? Add to this the old classic “but we’ve always done it that way” ……

Here’s hoping it’s not the norm!

I’ve recently seen a business make 80/90% of their decisions on emotion, and my life had they made some bad decisions. When we took stock, and started to delve into the systems and extract data, boy did the data indicate something different.

When we begin to measure we to begin to understand, when we understand we begin to gain control, when we have control we can now improve. Always ensuring we are measuring the correct output/input, as a Key Performance Indicator (KPI) drives behaviour, wrong KPI wrong Behaviour.

Managing by Fact is the notion that real knowledge in the form of empirical analysis of results is the shortest path to the best business decisions. That may seem obvious, yet few companies follow that principle. Many leaders make strategic choices based on nothing more than business fads or the dubious recommendations of advisers who are afraid to challenge the preconceived judgements or the organisational status quo. Quantitative or qualitative data that measures how well the strategy is working is often the last concern. Thus, critical company decision making, relating to acquisitions, restructuring, new product launches, sales and marketing, operations and the like, often takes place in the dark.

Comments, we can’t do that because…our answer should be “then show me why, justify to me why, mange by fact and data to help me make that informed decision” it’s not going to be on emotion and hearsay.

Put it this way, when managing by fact the business I refer to highlighted opportunities worth £1m+, not bad for just making that informed decision.

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